05 June 2008

Dream ticket to a nightmare presidency

If ever anyone doubted the unique ability of Hillary Clinton and her die-hard supporters to seek having everything every which way to suit themselves, then doubt no more. Despite Obama winning the required number of delegates to secure nomination, Clinton refused to concede defeat. Instead, she cynically withheld her concession to extract an invitation to run as Obama's vice-president.

After months of hammering Obama's inexperience and therefore lack of fitness to be president, Clinton now turns around and is seemingly prepared to serve under him?! She publicly calls Obama her "friend" after attacking him personally and playing the race card to boot. Who is Hillary trying to fool? What's wrong with this picture - apart from her monumental hypocrisy?

Does the impression of her being "desperately hungry for power" come to mind when Clinton's latest antics are viewed through the prism of her own words? When husband Bill was president, Hillary certainly felt free to be an ex-officio member of his cabinet. Never mind the small irrelevant detail of her not having received the people's mandate to be anything other than the FLOTUS (First Lady Of The United States).

If Obama makes the grave error of taking Clinton on as vice-president, she will absolutely not be content to be a figurehead office holder. Hillary will demand an active vice-presidency and will probably run her own agenda; to the detriment of an Obama administration.

With Clinton only a heartbeat away from the presidency and if I were Obama, I'd be tripling my Secret Service inner perimeter, deploying a Navy SEAL team middle perimeter and capping things off with a Delta Force outer perimeter. Desperate people hungry for power are likely to say and do anything to get what they covet.

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