24 November 2007

Armageddon for John Howard

What a fitting end to the political career of John Howard today has been!

Not only did Chi Hua-Hua John lose the mandate for government following today's general election, he is likely to lose his seat as well. Losing his seat would make Howard only the second sitting PM in Australia's history to suffer such a great humiliation. The first was Stanley Bruce way back in 1929!

Listening to the nonsensical gushing blather from his now feather duster minister, Joe Hockey, about Chi Hua-Hua's "honesty" and "wonderful" leadership, made me puke. I'm not sure many of the Iraqi invasion's hapless civilian casualties would agree - that is if you could resurrect them from the dead to run a poll with them.

For a man given to lying, equivocating, dissembling, dividing and using racial politics to get into and stay in power, it's difficult to regard Howard's leadership as anything other than unprincipled and amoral. Many words have been written and spoken about the reasons for his ascent and now downfall at the hands of voters.

But we do know one thing for sure. The great bulk of voters booted Howard out for economic reasons rather than reasons of principle like involving the country in an illegal war of aggression.

Howard lost the election by losing many seats in marginal electorates in NSW and Queensland. Voters in these seats have lost or are in danger of their homes because of the many interest rate increases during Howard's reign. And as mentioned in an earlier post (John Howard's hubris), adverse personal economic outcomes are what motivated these voters to drive a stake through Howard's black heart.

Does it matter what the fundamental reasons are for Howard's demise? The answer in the short term is no. With the erstwhile governor of the 51st state of the USA deposed, at least Australia will return to being a bit more of a sovereign nation in its own right.

However, if Australia is to avoid engaging in illegal wars and unprincipled acts by its government in future, the incoming PM, Kevin Rudd, must lead the national political, moral and social discourse towards a principled and enlightened place in the sun.

Two war criminals, Blair and now Howard, have been euthanased. Only the biggest and blackest one remains; clinging on for his nasty little life in the White House. Your day for consignment to the garbage can of history is not for long now, Dubya...

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