16 March 2005

U.S. military says 26 inmate deaths may be homicide

The New York Times reported that US Army and Navy investigators have concluded or suspect that at least 26 criminal homicides have been committed against prisoners held in US custody. Now contrast this against the official Pentagon report about detention and interrogation techniques practised by the US military.

The report's author, Vice Admiral Albert Church, concluded that the abuse of, and death of "only six" prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan resulted from breakdown of discipline and not flawed policies or misguided direction from commanders or Pentagon officials. Yeah, right. Did I also mention that the Pope is really Ayatollah Khomeni's long lost twin?

So now we have it officially. Only half-witted junior GIs were responsible for systematic torture and murder across several prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course, we're assured that no torture and murder was committed in Guantanamo Bay. How do we know? Because the Pentagon says so! Should we not feel a teensy weensy bit doubtful about the official Party line?

After all, isn't asking the Pentagon to investigate itself the same as asking the ex-chief of Worldcom to audit that company's accounts? The difference is that Bernie Ebbers will probably get a life sentence for causing his investors to lose their dough. Whereas, a general or two, assorted senior CIA operatives and of course, dear old Rummie will get away with murder. Literally.

How's that for a stunning demonstration of America's values? You see, in Bush's America of democracy and liberty, the greatest crime you can commit is to cause people to lose money. Losing lives through unlawful murder is perfectly fine since it's in the service of spreading neo-con freedom and liberty throughout the world.

And oh, the half-witted junior GIs will be punished for being stupid enough to take trophy pictures and sending them to friends. Do we seriously think ANY investigation or press exposure would have occurred if there weren't any incriminating pictures?

If you think the torture and murder would have come to light regardless, then you should have no problem believing that there is true accountability and integrity in a neo-con democracy. You know, the type which Dubya wants to spread around the world like a neo-con virus.

Now why is it few people now see the US as a model for anything good?

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