02 May 2005

Beyond Freedom Fries

When France declined (along with many other countries) to support Dubya in his quest for phantom NBC weapons in Iraq, middle America responded in a fit of pique by renaming its much consumed French Fries to Freedom Fries. So patriotism was infused into its daily rituals; "I'll have a Big Mac, Freedom Fries and a bunker buster bomb, to go, thanks!"

Now that Congress and Dubya's own investigators proved no such NBC weapons existed, perhaps the misguided patriotism should be redirected towards more meaningful pursuits. Such as really understanding why so many people outside the US opposed the illegal war.

In June 2003, the US House of Representatives' Committee on International Relations tried to do precisely this when it invited Justin Vaisse, a Visiting Fellow of Brookings Institution, to give testimony on why France opposed the war.

His address is extremely erudite and perspicacious. I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to learn how deeply felt and sophisticated, is world sentiment against a rampaging neo-con administration.

If middle America understands what Justin Vaisse said, then perhaps it'd rename its much loved Freedom Fries to Neo-Con Fries.

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