02 November 2005

Shining example of Neo-Con democracy

It was fascinating to read about how since the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Republican dominated US Senate (and House of Representatives for that matter) has failed in its role to provide the necessary check and balance to a rogue Bush administration.

Led by a Republican Senator Pat Roberts, the Senate Intelligence Committee has so far failed to conduct an important second phase investigation into how the Bush administration used (misused) intelligence to prosecute the illegal invasion. Yet when the Democrat's Senate leader, Senator Harry Reid tried to force Roberts to do his job, the Senate majority leader, Republican Senator Bill Frist's response was a shining example of democracy at work - neo-con style. As a Washington Post article reported,

Frist angrily denounced the move, charging that "the United States Senate has been hijacked by the Democratic leadership." He told reporters that he has never as majority leader "been slapped in the face with such an affront to the leadership of this grand institution."

Frist called the closed session "a pure stunt" by Reid, Durbin and the Democratic leadership.

"This is an affront to me personally," he said. "It's an affront to our leadership. It's an affront to the United States of America. And it is wrong."

Frist sharply criticized Reid personally, saying he could never trust the Democratic leader again.

If dear old Bill Frist doesn't want to be "affronted" in such a way, then all he needs to do is do his job by holding the Bush regime accountable in the way the Constitution intended the Senate to function. Otherwise the real affront caused to the American people is that a cabal in the White House took their country to war on a pack of lies. And it's getting away with that war crime, and torture, and unlawful extra-judicial murder of detainees, and "collateral damage" such as 100,000 Iraqi civilian casualties, and sending troops to die for lies, and...the list goes on.

And oh by the way, Bill Frist would know all about trust wouldn't he? After all, he's currently under investigation by the US Securities Exchange Commission and the Justice Department for possible violations of insider trading law!

I take it this isn't the type of democracy Big Dubya wants the rest of the darkened world to adopt...

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