22 May 2005

Crocodile tears amid high crimes

Following a Newsweek report later retracted, that the Koran was desecrated in the course of interrogations, the White House shrieked that the good name of the US had been irreparably harmed around the world. Self-righteously, the Bush White House cried crocodile tears of anger at how its good works around the world in bringing neo-con freedom and democracy to blighted lands had been damaged beyond repair.

Oh pleeaase!

Dubya would have us believe that before this report; which by the way, led to anti-US riots leaving at least 16 people dead, nobody thought his administration had done anything to incur the hatred and wrath of Muslims and non-Muslims alike around the world?

I guess in his Dubya in Wonderland world view, an illegal invasion of a non-threatening country based on a pack of lies is like homecoming instead. The 100,000 odd civilian deaths (estimated by British medical journal The Lancet) resulting from the war were just cruel lies of the vilest nature. The prisoner abuse and murders in Iraq and Afghanistan were just innocent Home Coming tailgate parties for the US military forces.

As the saying goes, the truth is stranger than fiction.

Instead, we find that following widespread world support for the US going after the Taliban in Afghanistan, respect and affection has morphed into fear and loathing. From being regarded as a liberator and force for stability, the US is now an invader and a destabilising force around the world. And all of this was achieved long before Newsweek's apparently erroneous report.

For Americans with memories longer than the last Freedom Fries commercial (ie the 48% who voted against Bush), this wouldn't be a surprise. Instead, they would be crying real tears over how this man has transformed their beloved country into something a whole generation of Americans fought and died to defeat in WW2.

It cannot be a mark of a real democracy for prisoners either rightfully or wrongfully detained, to be tortured to death without consequences for the perpetrators, as shown in a report leaked to the press by a true American patriot. Nor can it be the behaviour of a true Christian, to prosecute an illegal war founded on a pack of lies, and then failing to jail a Defence Secretary and General Officers for prisoner abuse and extra-judicial murders in custody. I mean, upon which of Jesus' teachings are Dubya's actions based?

Given the sordid picture of the torture, abuse and murder committed by American interrogators in the name of "protecting" America, do we seriously think that these interrogators wouldn't place Korans in toilets?

Come on, George, give us all a break! Unlike your supporters, we didn't come down in the last rain shower of crocodile tears. The only thing wrong about the Newsweek report is that there weren't incriminating pictures to prove it.

A nation can be lauded or damned by the actions of its paramount leader. For now, the latter is the case for America, notwithstanding the bucket loads of crocodile tears shed by the White House.

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