30 January 2005

Can Dubya spell the word Hypocrite?

After WW2 ended, the victorious Allies tried German military and civilian officials for war crimes including torture and murder. Quite properly, those found guilty of these offences were either jailed or in egregious cases, executed. Being a key member of Allied forces, the US exercised some zeal in bringing war criminals to justice.

How times have changed.

In a sobering
editorial in the Washington Post, we learn that accountability and leadership by example are nowhere to be found in a Bush White House. That must be because they sincerely believe that in the conduct of their messianic mission from God, they can do no wrong. Which God they serve isn't clear because Jesus of the New Testament certainly didn't teach torture and murder as the truth, way and life!

So we have on the one hand, a president claiming to guided by his religion (one which condemns torture and murder), and on the other hand, a president hastening slowly to root out and prosecute torturers and murderers under his command. If Bush showed as much as 1% of the zeal with which he went to war, in seeking to punish generals and not just half-witted junior GI Joes, then he might have some claim to credibility. Otherwise, he should get spelling lessons on the word "hypocrite."

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