13 June 2005
A viral infection called Doubt
As the disaster founded on lies - ie Iraq, continues to grind on, a strange viral infection has begun to affect those on Capitol Hill who in good faith or bad, supported the Bush regime's illegal invasion of Iraq. A BBC article reports the views of one a such pro-war congressman, Walter Jones.
After having written over 1,300 condolence letters to families of soldiers killed in action, and attended the funeral of a soldier at which his widow read out his last letter, that most insidious of viruses called Doubt has finally infected the mind of Walter Jones.
By his own admission, Jones now questions the whole sordid exercise of the invasion and presumably, attendant atrocities such as Abu Ghraib. To quote his words,
"I voted for the resolution to commit the troops, and I feel that we've done about as much as we can do. I just feel that the reason of going in for weapons of mass destruction, the ability of the Iraqis to make a nuclear weapon, that's all been proven that it was never there."
The question for Jones and those like him, is why were they so eager to believe their lying President when a simple application of their own common sense and presumed basic critical thinking would have caused HUGE red flags to pop up everywhere?
I mean, it wasn't as though the rest of the world believed the lies peddled by the White House, Downing Street and Kirribilli House (in Australia), was it? If the average citizen in Main Street in London, Paris or Sydney didn't buy the lies back before the war, what possessed Jones and his fellow pro-war travellers to suspend disbelief to vote for war?
Isn't also disgraceful that only when sufficient numbers of American soldiers are killed, do people like Jones catch the Doubt virus. Do we really think that he would have caught this virus if no American casualties had been sustained so far? In other words, at no time does his frame of reference include the deaths of Iraqi civilians. They are just towel heads who aren't worthy of consideration in the neo-con calculus of war because they aren't Americans.
It is absolutely essential for Dubya and Team Neo-Con to remain in Iraq and suffer more casualties. Not because of nurturing a neo-con democracy, but because the pro-war voters amongst citizens and congress alike must experience far more pain and adverse consequences to be taught a lesson that will hopefully be remembered at least until the next presidential election.
The pity of it all is that honourable servicemen and servicewomen will have to give their lives for a lie foisted upon them and their nation by a bunch of dishonourable war criminals.
You know the old saying about getting the politicians for whom you vote...
After having written over 1,300 condolence letters to families of soldiers killed in action, and attended the funeral of a soldier at which his widow read out his last letter, that most insidious of viruses called Doubt has finally infected the mind of Walter Jones.
By his own admission, Jones now questions the whole sordid exercise of the invasion and presumably, attendant atrocities such as Abu Ghraib. To quote his words,
"I voted for the resolution to commit the troops, and I feel that we've done about as much as we can do. I just feel that the reason of going in for weapons of mass destruction, the ability of the Iraqis to make a nuclear weapon, that's all been proven that it was never there."
The question for Jones and those like him, is why were they so eager to believe their lying President when a simple application of their own common sense and presumed basic critical thinking would have caused HUGE red flags to pop up everywhere?
I mean, it wasn't as though the rest of the world believed the lies peddled by the White House, Downing Street and Kirribilli House (in Australia), was it? If the average citizen in Main Street in London, Paris or Sydney didn't buy the lies back before the war, what possessed Jones and his fellow pro-war travellers to suspend disbelief to vote for war?
Isn't also disgraceful that only when sufficient numbers of American soldiers are killed, do people like Jones catch the Doubt virus. Do we really think that he would have caught this virus if no American casualties had been sustained so far? In other words, at no time does his frame of reference include the deaths of Iraqi civilians. They are just towel heads who aren't worthy of consideration in the neo-con calculus of war because they aren't Americans.
It is absolutely essential for Dubya and Team Neo-Con to remain in Iraq and suffer more casualties. Not because of nurturing a neo-con democracy, but because the pro-war voters amongst citizens and congress alike must experience far more pain and adverse consequences to be taught a lesson that will hopefully be remembered at least until the next presidential election.
The pity of it all is that honourable servicemen and servicewomen will have to give their lives for a lie foisted upon them and their nation by a bunch of dishonourable war criminals.
You know the old saying about getting the politicians for whom you vote...