17 March 2005

Beware the Ides of March

The BBC reported that the great global regime changer, Dubya the Last, just nominated former US Deputy Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz, as next head of the World Bank.

As one of the quartet of neo-cons injected into the Pentagon, Wolfie (Wolfowitz), together with Rummie (Rumsfeld), Dougie (Douglas Feith) and Richie (Richard Perle) successfully spread the neo-con clap into what they considered to be an insufficiently Right wing defence establishment. In the process, some very genuinely honourable senior officers were shafted (see post "Good riddance to another neo-con") for questioning among other things, the morality of going to war on a pack of lies.

By nominating Wolfie, the neo-con agenda has now been made clear. Remember that this is the man who was also intimately involved in fabricating the pack of lies used to justify invading Iraq. Now Dubya the Last wants him to corrupt the development agenda of the World Bank into an instrument of neo-con imperialist policy.

The Bush regime claims that it has turned over a new leaf and now wants to work with the international community rather than against it. So that must be why the US attempted to replace the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammed El Baradei, with one of its most obseqious lap dogs, the Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer. The former was far too even handed for Dubya's liking. Thankfully, the international community didn't back the US on this one.

Which brings me back to Wolfie. Since a number of world bodies have proven resistant to the idea of rolling over on Dubya's command, the new disingenuous neo-con strategy is to replace these organisations' leadership with lap dogs who will roll over and obey. And since Wolfie is well trained as one of the original neo-con attack pomeranians, who's better qualified to corrupt the World Bank's agenda?

Old Europe must veto Wolfie's appointment and send him packing to the dog house. Or it'll truly be a case of Beware the Ides of March for the international community.

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