23 January 2005
Fried Rice without credibility
During her Senate confirmation testimony, Condi Rice said that the Bush administration's actions in Iraq were "difficult and necessary and right." It's a shame those actions were based on proven deceit and disingenuity and disinformation, otherwise her claims would be half-legitimate.
Her statement that the "outposts of tyranny" in the world (ie North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Belarus, Zimbabwe and Myanmar) need "close attention" will sound a lot more credible when the Bush administration jails a general officer instead of junior GI Joes for making Abu Ghraib prison America's own little outpost of tyranny.
Her statement that the "outposts of tyranny" in the world (ie North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Belarus, Zimbabwe and Myanmar) need "close attention" will sound a lot more credible when the Bush administration jails a general officer instead of junior GI Joes for making Abu Ghraib prison America's own little outpost of tyranny.